Monday, June 14, 2010

My Incredibly Clever Sister and Other Animals

Such a lot has happened since I wrote last. Matty is still in hospital, Katy has got married to Mark and I have, in this past week, spent time with nearly every single member of my immediate family.

Here are two of them.
The incredibly clever Mrs D McC (B.A. Honours, First Class) and the incredibly clever Miss M. (arm-waving and saying 'agoo')


  1. Welcome home!

    Congratulations to all the cleaver ladies in your life!

    I hope Matty is progressing well. Looking forward to details of the wedding.

  2. Incredibly clever and strikingly beautiful lasses. Glad you had time with them all. Like Grannymar, am anxious to hear all the details of this past week!
    Give Matty a hug for me.

  3. Congratulations to Clever Auntie D xx
