Friday, July 30, 2010

A Room Of My Own

Swisser reckons I need a retreat - somewhere where me and my pigs and my dogs can go to hang out. A hut in the woods maybe, with a wood-burning stove and a lamp to read by. No lecky, far too modern. Let's not tell the pesky Land & Property Services.

And we'll pee in the trees.


  1. Have you read A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf? Wonderful book. I think it would speak to you...

  2. I haven't. Not yet.

  3. Brighid8:51 pm

    Go for it! "and we'll pee in the trees." LOL :)

  4. Anonymous12:51 am

    You might also like May Sarton's "Journal of A Solitude". I took quite a bit away from it - like a long visit with a rather observant friend.


  5. Anonymous9:21 pm

    Fantastic idea Nelly! I'd certainly do that it if I had a wee bitty land. Don't stay out there all winter though, might get a bit'The Shining' otherwise...

    Mikeyboy x
