Friday, August 27, 2010

Mother Radar

I had a rough day.

Going to Matty's this evening, picked up The Banana, and we both cried before we went in. Did my very best to seem upbeat, ate a bowl of stew and everything.

But she knew, said "What's up?", told her, felt ashamed for there's a lot more up with her than there is with me. She said, "I'll say a prayer for you." I said, "I was hoping you'd say that." She said, "I stopped praying there for a few weeks, didn't seem like it was doing much good." I said, "You were too sick. Anyway you had plenty stored up."

What am I going to do when she is not there to wish me well in her prayers and in every other way too?

We left. Went to the off-licence. We both cried before we went in.


  1. My heart and prayers are with you and Matty...

  2. Thinking of you every day at this time.

  3. Awwww, this was a rough day. I hope tomorrow is better - I know it's still the same but Friday is a bad day for continuing positivity.

    Love you all loads. xx

  4. Like Grannymar, I'm thinking of you every day. I have no words, just heartfelt wishes to you all.

  5. Anonymous7:01 pm

    You are a constant in my thoughts, Nellie. It's a trying time, but you have the love of many beneath your wings. Perhaps we don't reach out enough from our anonymous world to tell you how much we care - but we're walking beside you in our hearts.

  6. Thanks. You lot are going to have me crying again - but in a good way.
