Wednesday, August 25, 2010


Sadly there is no video footage, nor are there any photographs. I know the first thing I'd have done was run back to the house for a camera but Bert never thought of it. He was too concerned about his secret stash of blueberries.

It seems that someone hadn't properly fastened the gate to the pig paddock and when Bert first noticed they were gone he was terribly worried.  First he dashed to the road but there were no small hairy pigs causing traffic chaos. Then he searched the sheds. He eventually found Rusty in the polytunnel. There he was, this recovering pig, daintily picking ripe tomatoes off the vine. But still no Lily. The sound of snuffling led him to a dense stand of clematis where he had hidden his secret stash of blueberries that he'd told no-one else about, not even Miss Martha and she adores blueberries. Apparently so does Miss Lily for she left the plants stripped bare. I thought those pigs were supposed to be poorly?


  1. Zsuzsi5:44 pm

    Oh well..what a relief. Clever pigs they are, findig the vitamins themselves:)

  2. That Lily is one smart pig. She knows blueberries are one of the healthiest of foods - very high in anti-oxidents. She is merely seeking her own "natural" remedies. Fresh grapes, blueberries and tomatoes - those pigs will be glowing with health in no time. :-)

  3. Anonymous10:39 pm

    I was very pleased with the pigs for searching out the healthy goodies in the polytunnel. Both are in fine fettle this evening. Long may it continue.

  4. Anonymous! That was me up there.

  5. Pigs are very smart critters.
    I'm a bit worried about whats going on with you and Anonymous...

  6. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Meant to ask about the pigs doing poorly a post ago -so was delighted to see they've decided that a fresh, healthy diet was just the ticket!

    Sorry, Bert. :-)

