Thursday, September 09, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me


There were 240 of them on here but I'm only going to include the ones I've heard of.

1754 - William Bligh, nasty ship's captain (HMS Bounty)

1822 - Napoleon J K P Bonaparte, French prince/member National Convention

1828 - Leo Tolstoy, Russia, novelist (War & Peace, Anna Karenina)

1925 - Cliff Robertson, La Jolla Calif, actor (Charly)/spokesman for AT&T

1932 - Sylvia Miles, NYC, actress (Midnight Cowboy, Farewell My Lovely)

1935 - [Chaim] Topol, Tel Aviv Israel, actor (Fiddler on the Roof)

1941 - Otis Redding, Dawson Ga, rock bassist (Sitting on the Dock of the Bay)

1942 - Inez Foxx, Greensboro NC, rocker (Mockingbird, Hi Diddle Diddle)

1943 - George Roger Waters, keyboardist (Pink Floyd-Brick in the Wall)

1947 - Lol Creme, [Lawrence Creme], England, rock vocalist/guitarist (10cc)

1949 - John Curry, England, figure skater (Olympic-gold-1976)

1951 - Michael Keaton, Pitts Pa, actor (Gung Ho, Batman, Beetlejuice)

1952 - David Stewart, rock guitarist (Eurtyhmics-Here Comes the Rain Again)

1953 - Nelly Moser, world-famous blogger and all-round good egg

1958 - Lita Ford, London England, vocalist (Kiss Me Deadly, Runaways)

1960 - Hugh Grant, London England (4 Weddings & a Funeral, 9 Months)

1966 - Adam Sandler, actor/comedian (Billy Madison, Happy Gilmore, SNL)

1968 - Julia Sawalha, actress (Saffron-Abfab, Chrissy-Buddy's Song)

1972 - Natasha Kaplinsky, British newsreader

1975 - Michael Bublé, Canadian singer and actor

1980 - Michelle Williams, American actress

Otis Redding, Boney, Tolstoy and Captain Bligh are the only ones I'm chuffed to share a birthday with. That Michael Buble character I only heard of a few months ago when this guy who fronts a Buble tribute band came to work in our office.


Once again only took from the list what I remember or know a little bit about...

1492 - Columbus' fleet sets sail west

1513 - Battle of Flodden Fields; English defeat James IV of Scotland

1543 - Mary Stuart, at nine months old, is crowned "Queen of Scots" in the central Scottish town of Stirling.

1863 - Battle of Cumberland Gap, TN

1899 - French Capt Alfred Dreyfus sentenced on unjust grounds

1908 - Orville Wright makes 1st 1-hr airplane flight, Fort Myer, Va

1939 - Nazi army reaches Warsaw

1955/6? - Elvis Presley's 1st appearance on Ed Sullivan's Show

1958 - Race riots in Notting Hill Gate, London

1965 - Tibet is made an autonomous region of China

1966 - John Lennon meets Yoko Ono at an avante-garde art exposition

1967 - Uganda declares independence from Great Britain

1971 - John Lennon releases "Imagine" album

1991 - Mike Tyson indicted for rape of Desiree Washington

1997 - Sinn Fein accepts Mitchell Principles on para-military disarmament

2004 - 2004 Australian embassy bombing: A bomb explodes outside the Australian embassy in Jakarta, killing 10 people.


In the year I was born -

The Princess Victoria sank with great loss of life.

Queen Elizabeth II was crowned .

Edmund Hillary ascended Everest.


  1. Happy birthday indeed, Ms Moser. I hope you take the time to appropriately spoil Miss Martha and then get spoiled in return.

  2. And to top it all off you get to play with Miss Martha today! Have fun and I'll raise a glass to you this evening.

  3. Zsuzsi1:58 pm

    WOW...haha: ) A Very Happy Birthday! A powerful day indeed! (even sharing it with your doggie)
    so you are a Virgo, that can expalin your love of the land being it a sign of the earth : ) unlike my Mum though being a Virgo, too haha..that's a puzzle to me
    anyway, HB! (I am Taurus an earth sign, too)

    actually, I forgot to write before that your girl, Hannah has the same funny wit of style I like reading: ) she inherited the talent perhaps: )


    a thirty something blogreader, in the world somewhere

  4. Happy birthday love and wishes from Sydney. Hope you are having a nice day - wee gin this evening perhaps!!

    Lots of love. xx

  5. Happy birthday! May you get pickled enough to enjoy it, but not so much as to impede your memory of it!

  6. Have a great birthday! Enjoy your increased leisure time, your day with dear Miss Martha and maybe a little nip for celebration in the evening. I'm sure Bert will be "up" for adding to your happy birthday at the proper time. ;-)

  7. Anonymous3:36 am

    Well now I know why I find you so simpatico. You share a birthday with my little Great-granddaughter!
    She is 8 today.

    Happy Birthday, Nellie. I hope it's been absolutely grand in every way. May I suggest you adopt our family method and celebrate it for the entire rest of the month?

  8. Hope you're not still hungover from the celebrations. Hope it was a happy birthday for you.

  9. Hope you're not still hungover from the celebrations. Hope it was a happy birthday for you.

  10. Belated happy birthday!

  11. I had a really lovely birthday. Can't believe it was less than a week ago. Thank to you all.
