Saturday, October 09, 2010

Come On Nelly!

It's just like the olden days - company expected and I have spent the day cleaning the house from top to bottom. And - I'm enjoying it. And - I'm doing it without cocaine. And - I'm awesome.

So who is this company you might ask? I'll give you a clue. They're playing in Lavery's tonight and staying here afterwards. Never mind Come On Gang! for it's Come On Nelly! tonight


  1. They sound great.Is bert auditioning to join them? ;-)

  2. He couldn't stick the pace. He is trying to get In with Quinn.

  3. Anonymous1:06 pm

    Hands down the best place we've ever crashed after a gig! Where else has so many dogs, a tour of the pigs in the morning and the best fry you'll ever eat? Thanks a mil Nelly, see you next time. M x

  4. Just wonderful - just what they all needed. Already got a pic of the pigs!

    Rob and Alex's mum x

  5. I enjoyed having the lads and lasses.
