Wednesday, November 24, 2010

An Odd Thing

It's an odd thing that you can go to a funeral which is supposed to be a sad and solemn occasion and come away from that feeling elevated and then, on the same day, your sick mother gets discharged from hospital and everybody, including her, is really glad she is home and you come away from that feeling worried and unsettled and very, very scared.


  1. It's a roller coaster. Hang in there, Nellie.

  2. Some days the feelings are turned upside down like the clothes swirling in a tumble drier. Hold tight and live in the moment. Tomorrows worries do not belong in today, let them wait their turn.

    Big Hugs.

  3. Anonymous3:06 pm

    Gosh. How true both those comments are. Today everything seems better. Tomorrow? It can wait its turn.

  4. Anonymous3:44 pm

    It's true, Nellie. This is the time to live in the moment as best you can.

    Just know, in every moment, strangers whose lives you've touched with your brilliant wit and humanity here, are walking with you.

    More hugs...


  5. JUst saying those comments touched me very much. Thank you.
