Thursday, December 02, 2010

A Reply From Wendy Scudamore

Remember the man from Fermanagh who wanted to buy my Lily as a Christmas present for his son, the man who said Wendy Scudamore 'let him down.' Well it seems it was the other way around. This is what Wendy has to say.

(Man from Fermanagh) rang me weeks ago and wanted two piglets. the second piglet will not be weaned until early January so when he said he wanted them for Christmas I told him it wasn't possible to get them to him in time. He then wanted me to forget the second piglet and bring just the one but I told him I couldn't possibly travel the one piglet all that way on its own - too stressful and it would have no company when it got there.

I am pretty angry actually as I have another customer in N Ireland waiting for her pigs in Jan and I was splitting the travel cost between them . i cannot at this late stage let the lady down so I will probably have to shoulder half the cost of the journey myself - more than the profit from the pigs.

If you know anyone else in N Ireland who wants any, the journey cost is £300 and I have some super little breeding piglets for sale,

Best Wishes


  1. I thought this might be the case. I've never believed in the critters for Christmas thing, it really isn't fair to the animals.
    Hope she finds another home for the piglets.

  2. I completely agree with you. Christmas and New Year holidays are completely the wrong time to bring a pet home. And when it comes to pigs it is terribly unfair to have just one. They need a companion.

  3. Anonymous3:39 pm

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  4. Anonymous2:07 pm

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  5. Anonymous2:10 pm

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  6. Firstly - I do not know Wendy Scudamore personally. But I do know this about her from online contact. She is not afraid to speak out about something she believes in. A lot of people don't like that. I am not prepared to have my blog used to attack anyone - particularly if those attackers are ANONYMOUS. Any further comments of that sort will be deleted. If that fails to discourage you the post will be deleted. Nelly's Garden is not going to be used for flaming. Go do it somewhere else.

  7. Anonymous10:05 am

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  8. Anonymous11:47 am

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  9. Anonymous10:17 pm

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