Thursday, May 19, 2011

She Was Clean When She Got Here

Martha always comes to me perfectly turned out but after a few hours here she's working the Infant Bag Lady look. Today we had dress-up. That frock was picked straight from the ironing basket and her hat was originally intended for Romanian orphans. The vintage jewellery is courtesy of Pearlie. Not sure how she got her dirty face but I am sure she enjoyed getting it.

She was stung today by a honey bee on her ear lobe. There were tears but not many of them.


  1. A perfect little model! I cannot see a speck of dirt anywhere and the camera does not lie!

  2. God, she is just too cute. You are blessed. Wish I still had little ones around...they keep you young. My 7 grandkids are fast becoming young adults. I too am blessed. Lord knows there's nothing more crazy than a blessed ol granny.

  3. Anonymous5:30 pm

    Ms. Martha has an innate fashion sense. I see a trend-setter in the making!

    I don't think there's anything quite like a little one to give a bit of happy to one's day.


  4. Thursday is my favourite day of the week! I must start a proper dressing-up box for rainy days.

  5. She is ab-so-lutely adorable! Her outfit is stunning! What fun to look forward to dress up days. My granddaughter used to dress up and we would have tea parties. She is almost fifteen now. Those were the days. Enjoy - they grow up so fast.

  6. Tea parties. I cannot wait!
