Saturday, July 30, 2011

Great Aunt Nelly

I have a great niece!

Congratulations to Connor and Leanne. I'm looking forward to seeing the little one soon.


  1. Congratulations! That makes you a great aunty! And I am sure that, as my own niece told me when she gave birth to our darling Iwan, you always were!

  2. It's very exciting. I am going shopping tomorrow to buy the little one a frock. I love buying clothes for little girls.

    But as my daughter's new one, due in November, is a boy I shall have to learn to love shopping for young fellows!

  3. Is she having a boy? I didn't know that.

  4. Sorry for misinformation Gan. That 'But as...' should read as 'But if....' I don't know at all what she's having! And that is part of the fun.

  5. Anonymous7:01 pm

    So pleased to see you're a Great-Aunt - and going to be a Grannie again! I don't know of anything more fun than an excuse to indulge in some frock or jumper buying!

    Happy Days...

  6. Definitely true Anne.
