Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Where's Charlie?

Isn't it wonderful how a drop of the cold, white stuff helps the look of a bunch of tatty old outhouses. Judy jumps with joy at the excitement of it all and Bonnie tries to keep up. Maybe she's wondering where her morning dose of steroids are? Meanwhile Paddy hopes that the snow is improving the looks of a tatty old dog. Afraid not old son. But where's Charlie?

There he is! Doing what he does best - lurking and pissing.


  1. Love those pictures & comments - they would make a great Christmas card. I haven't been online much lately but manage to pop in now and then to see what's new with Nelly, et al. I"m never disappointed. Also, am popping in today to wish you, Bert and your family the happiest of holidays.

    May the spirit of Christmas touch ye all and linger throughout the coming year. :-)

  2. Thank you Anna - I hope, that you too have a wonderful festive season and a good new year.

  3. Anonymous6:42 pm

    Snow seems to make the world a prettier place indeed. We don't get snow here, but I have fond childhood memories of enchanted landscapes and ice skating at night on a lake lit by torchlight.

    We're off today to make snow globes with the great-granddaughter, then to the melodrama theatre!

    I wish you and your family a warm and merry Christmas holiday, Nelly.


  4. Thank you Anne - I'm starting to look forward to Christmas myself. wishing you and yours a happy one too.
