Friday, January 13, 2012

Her Last Drink

My current obsession is hoarding behaviour, the American TV series Hoarders and tossing my own hoard. It's rather wonderful. I watch a little bit of Hoarders and I am inspired to throw out some object I've clung on to for far too long. I don't want to end up like those poor American folks, although I can see I'm going to have to be careful about the animal hoarding. Four dogs, two cats and two pigs - that is Nellybert at the limit.

A friend of mine is helping an elderly relative declutter her house. During the process a cardboard box of assorted glassware was unearthed. The elderly relative said,

Dinnae throw those out! There's a special glass amongst those. It's the glass that Davy's mother took her last drink out of.

Davy's mother was this old girl's mother-in-law and Davy was her husband dead himself this forty years or more.

I told this to Bert.

Imagine! Clinging on to an oul glass because your mother-in-law took her last drink out of it!

I wonder what her last drink was?

Some class of poison? That might explain the sentimental attachment.


  1. It's not nice to make me snort coffee out of my nose, and mess up my laptop screen...

  2. Sorry 'bout that.

  3. Your blog needs a "like" button! I am attempting to de-hoard, as well, though I may need to de-horde to do it.

  4. Good for you Ronni! One of the things I have learned from watching Hoarders is that many people cling on to things because they envision a future where these will be very important but that this accumulation of crap prevents them from having the present they deserve. I threw out a load of office supplies and stuff left over from my student days. It felt good.

  5. Came across your blog while looking for another "Nelly's Garden".

    Great post;I laughed so hard. Forgive me for being stalker-ish while I go through your old posts :)

  6. You're welcome Maldita.

  7. I love that show, I have it on in the background when visitors come so that my own house seems cleaner by comparison, works a charm! There was one lady on the show I remember, had to buy the house next door (both pretty large houses!) just for somewhere to put all of her extra junk. The human psyche is amazing.

  8. I saw that episode too! She was one of the less sympathetic characters too.
