Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Romantic Meal For Two And Counting...

Rod comes in just as we're finishing dinner. I admit to being on my second glass of wine and not knowing where I'm going to find the get-up-and go to bake Music Night Scones. He says,

Just right you are! A nice romantic St Valentine's meal for two then?

There were three of us actually and just the two fellows watching us.

This is par for the course at Nellybert's - if you come in when we're about to eat we'll offer you some and, if you decline, we'll allow you to watch us scoffing anyway.

We had cottage pie made with own minced pig, own spuds and swede and own haricot beans from freezer. That was the last of the frozen home-grown vegetables, the hungry gap is here. Music Night Scones got made and are just about to be served.

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