Monday, March 19, 2012

Five Minute Bread.

I subscribe to a monthly publication called Home Farmer, because it has interesting articles about growing in polytunnels, bee keeping and wine making. It also has some good recipes. This month there was an article that was titled 'Fresh home-made bread every day – in just five minutes?' I resolved to try it. The recipe comes from a book also called Five Minute Bread by Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois.

This is what you do.

Get a large container. I used a wine fermentation bucket. Throw together 900g of white flour. I used strong white flour that I'd had for far too long. Probably past its sell-by date but I checked for weevils and there were none. To this I added 750ml of lukewarm water. A teaspoon of salt and three sachets of fast acting bread yeast. Quick stir together, cover (not supposed to be airtight) and into Pearlie's lovely warm room to rise. I left it for a few hours. I could see why the cover did not need to be airtight because I used clingfilm and when I lifted it the fumes of fermenting yeast would have taken the sight from your eyes.

This mixture is supposed to make 4 loaves. You can keep it in the fridge and use it whenever you need it and this is supposed to be better because it takes the stickiness out of the dough. I got two loaves and a huge pizza base out of it but because it was so sticky I think I probably washed half a loaf's worth down the sink when I washed my hands.

The recipe says the bread should be rested for an hour but I've only just noticed that and mine went straight into the oven at 230C (450F, Gas 8) for about 25-30 minutes.

The pizza dough was drizzled with olive oil before being topped, the loaves were dusted with flour and I had a bowl of hot water in the oven to keep the crust from becoming tough. The end result wasn't bad at all. Bert has eaten lots of it and he says it's a bit like ciabatta. The actual work with the bread was only about five minutes if you don't count the rising and resting time. I'll definitely be making it again.


  1. Speaking of bread that only takes five minutes, I've made this recipe from Nigella Lawson in the past. The good thing is there's no rising time needed, it goes straight from the mixing bowl to the oven.


    200 grams of muesli
    325 grams wholemeal bread flour
    1 x 6 gram sachet of easyblend yeast
    1 teaspoon of salt
    250 ml of skimmed milk
    250 ml of water

    Mix the muesli, flour, yeast and salt in a bowl.
    Pour in the milk and water then stir to mix.
    It will be like a thick porridge.
    Transfer to a greased 2lb loaf tin.
    Place in a cold oven immediatedly turning the oven up to 180 degrees centigrade/gas mark 4.
    Bake for one hour until the loaf sounds hollow when tapped underneath.
    Although this is a dense loaf it makes excellent toast.

  2. I'll definitely be trying this.
