Friday, July 27, 2012

The Big Girl

The Jersey Giant hen that survived the fox attack last Sunday is, by far, the largest of all our chickens. That poor thing has had such a tough week. The attack left her sore and traumatised. It was only last night that she managed to get back on the roost. And all week she has mooched around on her own and hasn't come forward when treats such as chickweed and shot lettuces were on the go. Today has been the first day that she has taken her place with the rest of the girls and rushed to the fore when the specials were offered.  Apart from the bantam cock, Plum, none of our current chickens have names. I think the big girl deserves a name.

Any ideas?


  1. Glad to hear she's feeling more like her old self again. What about Olympia in honour of the Olympic games?
    Failing that - Duff. Well, you do have a Plum already....

  2. Duff and Olympia - one meaning hopeless, the other a very grand name. I might need something more inbetweeny.

  3. Anonymous3:16 pm

    Tess? Tess mcGill from 'Working Girl' aka Melanie Griffiths. Although there might be a Tess of the D'Urbevilles link too

  4. I think she deserves a lovely, pretty, classic name, like Petula. As in Petula Clark. I can see the big Jersey girl going Downtown.

  5. Tess - the greatest story ever told. I don't want to tempt fate by naming her after poor tragic Tess altho' it is a lovely name.

    I'm going with Petula. Petula Cluck! Nepotism rules!

  6. My favorite hen was named Maude. She was a very big Aracona, and sweet, but tough as well. Then there was Gladys, what a dizzy thing she was....

  7. Anonymous12:52 am

    Gloria! She is a survivor
