Thursday, November 01, 2012

As Good As It Gets

Martha and Evie's Mama went back to work last week. Martha has been hanging out at Nellybert's for two years now and has pretty much found her feet, or to put it another way, worked out how to rule the roost. But Evie is another matter. She's new. She's finding her feet.

Last week Aunt Tricia (Kerry Sister) was around and we spent the first Evie day in Carnlough where we bought the best toy ever (an interactive  musical telephone) and had a roast beef dinner in the Londonderry Arms. Miss Evie is very partial to roast beef. On the second day we had Hannah and that worked out very well too as both the young Misses are very fond of Auntie Han.

Yesterday there was no Hannah and no Martha so Miss Evie and I borrowed Bert's van and headed off to Drumkeeran to visit two very dear friends of my darling Matty. One of Matty's friends is recovering from a bad fall and is only recently back in her own home. It is always a delight to see her as she loves, without condition, the seed, breed and generation of us all. The only thing is, she always cries when she sees us, thinking of our mother. The next visit was to her sister-in-law next door. We entered to the delicious smell of baking scones. It was just like visiting Matty. There was apple tart and custard as well as scones and Miss Evie enjoyed it immensely. She'll never taste her great-granny's home baking but, thank God, they're still making wonderful scones on the moss road.

Today we had both girls and Auntie Han to help me out. (Words will never describe my gratitude.) We had a relaxed, easy-going day. Martha and I went food shopping, then Evie and I had a walk while Martha and Hannah whipped up some biscuits. There were stories and drawing, dancing and Pingu. Bert did some serious baby-dodging but that meant plenty of outdoor chores got done - roses pruned, pig houses sorted etc. etc.

At lunch I looked around at my grandchildren, my helpful and generous Hannah, my baby-dodging husband and my dogs and I thought to myself, "This is what I always wanted. This is as good as it gets."


  1. You know, I actually had to read your concluding sentences several times over, I enjoyed them so much, but I couldn't figure out why - then I realised that it was just so novel and refreshing to see someone acknowledging that yes, this was what they wanted, and now they have it, and they're happy. Bravo!

  2. Thank you friends!

  3. Anonymous10:39 pm

    glad you enjoyed your lovely day - London Sister

  4. Anonymous10:42 pm

    "as she loves, without condition, the seed, breed and generation of us all"

    Have followed your blog for a year or two now - never any less than a pleasure [tears again at this, fantastic, really]!

  5. My two oldest children 9 and 7, from my oldest son, have never been alone with any grandparent other than his wife's mother. But just this week I am minding my third grandchild, a soon to be twenty two month old girl. Her two month old brother is down the road at my ex and his wife's. We got together a few times this week so the kids could see each other.

    This is the first time I've experienced any time by myself with a grandchild though I've been a grandma this long. It feels better than when I was a parent because of the different level of responsibility, I suppose. I love being of the age where we can see traits of our elders and ourselves in our offspring.

    We have had a blast. I am enjoying everything about her. The only time she acted up was when her parents were talking on Skype. She lives a ferry ride and 3 1/2 hours away so we don't see each other very often. This is one of the best weeks of my life.

  6. Thank you LS, Anon. and Cuidado for your comments. Anon. thanks particularly, because it is feedback like yours that encourages me to continue with this venture. Cuidado - I love to think that we, who live at such great distance from each other, are experiencing a similar joy and appreciation of our grandchildren.

  7. Should have stopped lurking ages ago then - my own family is "while" similar to yours in lots of ways, though no-one in ours articulates these things anywhere near as wonderfully as you do.... please do continue?

  8. Good to hear from you Paul... and thanks again.
