Sunday, November 25, 2012


little white horse, originally uploaded by NellyMoser.
Seven years ago I started the good habit of taking regular walks. That continued right up until Matty got ill. I expected to get back into the way of it after she died but it did not happen. It is only now that I am trying again for walking calms and energises me.

Before Matty died I was working regularly and took a half-hour walk every lunch-time. My base was in Kells and there is not a road within a five mile radius of the village that I have not walked. I always took my camera just in case I saw something interesting.

Of course, in the two years I've been out of the way of walking, I've stacked on the weight. I wouldn't care to admit how heavy I'd got but for some reason. I don't know why, I recently lost about 12 pounds. At first I thought I was dying of something but then, when I had a good think about it. I realised I just wasn't comfort-eating as much. So I decided to get back into walking.

Two minutes more every day and I just walk out the door and go - no more getting into the car for it is still broken. I've not got back to taking the camera for I've enough to do with my pedometer, the mobile for timing and the audio book on the iPod. Around the doors just doesn't seem that interesting. But perhaps I'm being pessimistic for that delightful scene above is around the doors for those who live on the Maine Road near Woodgreen


  1. I have become rather lazy about the walking too. Maybe today I'll make a change to my routine and head out again. I am inclined to take the car since I have a hill to climb on my way back to the house, somehow it is tougher when I am tired.

  2. I'm glad you have started doing this again. Inspired by it I went out yesterday at lunchtime but it was lashing so only walked for ten minutes.

  3. I think the answer is to start small and make increases every time you go out. I walked in the Glens this morning for 55 minutes and I feel great.
