Thursday, December 06, 2012


Tonight I have rather pungent hands. First of all I moved a chilli plant from this room to the kitchen. It is on its way to Pearlie's room a.k.a the warmest room in the house. Under the bright and unforgiving kitchen lights I noticed that the plant was hooching with greenfly. So that's why it isn't doing very well. On Bert's advice I attacked it with the garlic infusion that Zoe made for the pups. But the spray doesn't work very well and the strong garlic water ran all over my hands. I needed to wash them very hard as my next task was preparing eight pounds of oranges for wine.

After that was done I gave the chilli another drooking with the garlic spray. My hands now smell of orange peel and garlic. Interesting combination. I am now repellent to greenfly, mosquitoes, ants and vampires and shall sleep content tonight.


  1. I recently went to see a dear friend...where we sat on her deck over looking her borders... She mentioned that she had been given some garlic to plant,knew nothing about it, and how did I think it was doing...? She had planted the whole bulb! An hour later we had replanted all the divided cloves...we were standing in a rain shower, muddy hands, dirty boots, & smiling faces... looking on 4 huge beds of garlic in neat rows...

  2. Nelly, maybe you are on the way to the latest new perfume... Patent it quick fast!! ;)
