Tuesday, January 08, 2013

Another Blog. Why Not?

I'm considering starting another blog on the topic of making country wines. After all, I've been doing it  for sixteen months now so I must be an expert, mustn't I?


  1. Of course you are an expert. Not a bad idea of the Wine blog, or could you have a separate page on here for the wine posts?

  2. Blogging is addictive. I've...ahem....six blogs on the go.
    Have fun setting up your new wine blog!

  3. I think I'll keep it separate. By the way, has anyone noticed that a lot of young people (under 40) are dropping out of blogging?

  4. I had heard that was the case, do doubt due to the rise in popularity of facebook and twitter.
    I think though that blogging will always remain popular, no matter what age group is involved.

  5. You make me grin.
