Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Baby Bliss

Yesterday afternoon Martha and Evie came out to have fun in the snow. As the day wore on I got a bit fretful that the snow wasn't as pristine and wonderful as it had been in the morning but then I realised I was being very silly because at ages one and three snow is simply snow - magical white stuff for playing in and with.

Martha was tremendously proud of her first snowman. She ordered a carrot for his nose but the carrot store was empty. A small onion made an acceptable substitute.

Meanwhile over by the sheds where slushy puddles abound...


  1. No better fun than splashing about in puddles.... Can I come and play?

  2. Better bring your wet suit!

  3. Your grandkids are just so cute. That puddle stomper would fit in around here just fine.

  4. Thank you Brighid. The puddle stomper would y'know. She's a hardy one.
