Sunday, March 10, 2013

Missing Matty on Mother's Day

I have made Matty a home made Mother's Day card this year. I have made it out of pictures of her with some of the people that she loved. If I'd used pictures of all of the people she loved, those pictures would have been so many and so teeny that they should barely be seen.


  1. leitrim sister4:48 pm

    do you have the middle photo on flickr?

  2. Don't think so. It is a scan. Sending it to you now.

  3. What a great smile she had. What a nice gift to all of us by sharing this card.

  4. She was often very smiley but had her glum looks too. Rather like her first born daughter!

  5. You did good with Matty's card! I bet she made a remark or two on it... did you hear it. Thanks for sharing.
