Friday, May 17, 2013

A Cure For Procrastination

I am trying something new in my ongoing personal quest to reprogramme my brain.  It is this - when thoughts, such as these, pop into my mind,

I do not want to pick up that dirty laundry and take it to the washing machine.

Damn those dirty cups! It would be too dreary to remove them to the kitchen.

Why is it always me who has to check on Pearlie's fire? I don't want to.

Then that is exactly what I do. I pick up the laundry, I lift the cups, I fix Pearlie's fire. But first I must - have a cup of coffee, write this blog entry, check the time in Vancouver and the temperature in Fakenham, see if Natalie has uploaded new photos, delete some spam and have another cup of coffee.

It's an ongoing battle.

Note to self: I wonder if there is a site that takes tired old phrases such as 'it's an ongoing battle' and turns them into something fresh and new? Must check....


  1. I was going to comment on this a few hours ago but then I had to waste several hours playing wordscraper and worrying about not finding anywhere to sleep while on the camino.

  2. I fully understand.

  3. I find myself reminded to take the dishes out just sitting. Mindless. Blank. Gee.....

  4. Hi Mage, just rescued your comment from the spam folder, now to renew Pearlie's medication order but first...

  5. Well I... oh wait SQUIRREL...
