Wednesday, July 10, 2013


The morning after. Oldest to youngest in chronological order.

Summer came back! We spent the weekend in Leitrim at a family party, It is rare these days that we have a gathering and this one was particularly enjoyable as it did not involve a burying. The weather was kind, the company was wonderful, the party legendary, the music first class. The only snag was the hordes of hungry midges and, perhaps, that all of our vehicles got layered  in a soggy, rushy field.

Miss Martha was of the opinion that this was the best bit of the party. 

Freshly watered vegetables.

 But we were so tired on the drive home. It was a long hot drive. Bert drove the first 50 miles, I drove the next 30 and after that we were changing every 20 or so miles. I wasn't looking forward to having to drive Jazzer back to Antrim after we got home nor was I relishing the thought of the watering we'd have to do in the polytunnel.

And when we drove on to the yard there was Marty! No drive to Antrim. Bliss! It got better. She had made a roast chicken dinner. She had even cooked a vegetable course. Pearlie was happy and content. The animals were fed. The house was shiny clean and, best of all, she'd even watered the polytunnel.

A rare photograph of Bert outdoors without a boiler suit. That is how hot it is!


  1. Leitrim sister7:58 am

    They sound like excellent granny/house sitters

  2. They totally excelled themselves.

  3. Anonymous4:04 pm

    Must point out that No 2 and 3 sisters reversed in the chronology (in case this is subject to an inquiry!) London sister (No 2, or as I say ....I am not a number I am a free woman)

  4. Good point, I didn't check it out. There was a chrono one but that is not it.

  5. Great pic of the beautiful sisters.

  6. Thankee Brighid.
