Saturday, November 09, 2013

Wine To Five

In the past three weeks I have bottled 5 gallons of wine (30 bottles), racked 21 gallons, poured one gallon down the toilet and started one gallon. It is almost like having a job. I also drank some and gave some away to delighted and grateful  recipients.

In other news I am going to Leitrim tomorrow and will be accompanied by Miss Martha. My packing is nearly completed and hers is done. No doubt her mother will send some stuff too but I've got the important things taken care of - a choice of car seats, games, paints, books and a Snoopy dog. She spoke of her dressing up box but I don't think there will be time to dress up. I have packed The Tailor of Gloucester. I only read it for the first time yesterday and must admit that I found it very heartening. I think Martha will like it.


  1. Making wine = never far from fun

  2. Hope you both enjoy the road trip.

  3. Yay! Road trip was a lot of fun but 230 miles in two days is a wee bit tiring.

    TK - just read your latest blog. Well said.

  4. leitrim sister8:17 pm

    your home safe then? It was great to see you both x's

  5. Love the photo on Flickr Dede.

  6. Hope your trip was a good one. Such fun to have little ones along to marvel at the wonder of it all.
