Tuesday, December 03, 2013

I Discover Morrissey

I finished the Morrissey autobiography which I bought despite not being a Morrissey fan. Why did I buy it? Firstly, because it was was hugely reduced in Tescos and secondly because I opened it at random and read a scurrilous character assassination of a humble (fat) benefits adviser. I was immediately enthralled. Morrissey was in his teens when he encountered this unfortunate woman. I am very glad that I no longer carry the many humiliations that I experienced in my teens. Or do I still? Maybe that is what is wrong with me.

I could not put this book down. It fascinated me that one man could bear so many grudges, for so long and carry them with him all his days to add grist to his genius. Thankfully I never encountered Morrissey for it would be painful to read this book and find a sentence or two of barbed commentary had I inadvertently caused him offence. Curmudgeon he might be but from this account I found myself liking him a lot. Now I must get back to his music. Better late than never.


  1. Hope you realize that the Christmas deco is not up yet, and now you've sent me on the hunt for Another book...

  2. Own Christmas deco is not up here. I'm a last minute girl when it comes to things like that.

  3. Watch The Importance of being Morrissey to decide if you like him. It is on YouTube - 45 minutes.

  4. Ah a woman after my own heart with the deco!
    Thanks for the referral, I'll check it out.

  5. Anonymous10:39 pm

    re your other post - I had not clocked that you had the whole turner prize when I mentioned the other photography exhibition! says London Sister
