Wednesday, December 11, 2013

I Make Kimchi

 So Zoe has Chinese cabbage growing in the poly tunnel. Lots of it and she said I can have a go at making kimchi. I don't think it is exactly the right Chinese cabbage (Napa is the recommended variety) but it will do for a try. The most boring and difficult bit is washing it. Les comes in (with home made squash soup) and he helps me get all the slugs off the cabbage. Slugs are my most detested creatures in the world. They make me shiver with disgust. I am reassured when Les points out that their presence indicates that the cabbage is clean and organic. After the washing and chopping the rest is fun, I mix together chopped scallions, chilli paste, grated ginger, soy sauce, diced garlic, fish sauce, salt and sugar. I go hard on the garlic and ginger and light on the salt. There isn't a mixing bowl in the house big enough to mix everything together so I use one of my wine making buckets. I thought it would all fit in to three Kilner jars but it only took two. According to the recipe it is edible in 24 hours but better again in a week.

I hear Bert downstairs now. He was out buying calves and I'll bet he is right into those Kilner jars. I'll have to  go down and stop him.


  1. Now you will be guaranteed a visit from a certain young lady when she returns from Prague for the holidays. Trouble is she might eat a whole jarful all by herself! ;) Right, Hails?

  2. I'd say she'd be a good judge of whether it's any good or not!

  3. I've never tried it, can you describe what it tastes like? I like cabbage and Brussel sprouts.

  4. I only tried it once. It is supposed to be pretty hot. I'll tell you in about 5 days time!
