Sunday, February 23, 2014

Watching The Detectives

I've been enjoying Hinterland recently but then I do generally like a crime drama. But there is one thing I have noticed that happens in all crime drama series and it is this. The detective/detectives come round to a person's house or place of work to interview them. That person will almost always carry on with whatever it is they are doing. So they are skinning a rabbit. Even when the detective is asking them all sorts of questions they continue skinning that rabbit, or baking that cake, or fixing that engine, or chopping those onions, or sorting that photo album. And the detective has to follow the person around while they are doing the stuff. If it was me getting questioned by a police officer I'd be pinned to the spot answering all their questions and trying very hard not to appear guilty.

I've been interviewed by detectives a couple of times in my life and I always gave them my full attention. I did not knit, or work on patchwork, or do Suduku or prepare a meal. I put my life on hold for a little while as I helped the police with their enquiries. Am I typical?


  1. It's tv, it isn't the real world.
    And why would you even want to be typical? lol I always think I would be closer to the ol cowgirl version of "Mrs Brown"...

  2. I suppose they think it would make for boring TV but I just find it distracting. In the aforementioned Hinterland the detective, brooding, troubled past, absolute genius at his job, would always return to the crime scene alone and in the dark to poke around for missed clues. In the dark! And he always found his clue.

  3. Nope, I think you are totally normal. :)
