Friday, April 04, 2014

An Evening In Paris

This time last week when I was packing for my weekend in Paris, Miss Martha said,

Maybe you'll see Madeline.

She was referring to the central character in the children's book Madeline's Rescue by Ludwig Bemelmans. This was a very lucky find in Bellaghy's one and only charity shop. The girls love it and I've read it to them over and over again.

The trip to Paris was a birthday gift from London Sister who arranged both flights and accommodation. She flew from London, I flew from Belfast. Very convenient for us both. Of course I had pre-conceived ideas about one of the most visited city on earth. For a start I expected the plane to contain vast numbers of philosophers, poets and lovers. I had forgotten about Disneyland Paris. The plane actually contained vast numbers of over-excited children and their equally over-excited parents and grandparents. The little girl sitting behind me spent most of the journey exuberantly kicking the back of my seat which I bore with great fortitude.

I met LS at the airport and we continued on to Montmartre. Getting off at the Gare du Nord did not give the best impression of Paris for it is a rather seedy area. Rather that take the metro a few stops to the station nearest our hotel we decided to walk. It did not seem that far on the map. And it wasn't. We knew it was close to the Sacré-Cœur Basilica so we kept heading up and before long we were within sight of  the church.

We then took around 40 minutes to locate the hotel although I'd guess we were never any further than 5 minutes away from it. But those little places and streets are confusing. So, by the time we were checked in, it was near midnight. No matter, for this was Paris and a Friday night. We found a lively bar where we wined and dined and had a great amount of fun. I do love bar staff who look like they are having every bit as good a time as the patrons and who ululate to North African music and do, right in our faces, the thing that is now described as 'twerking'. This rarely happens in Ballymena where bar staff neither twerk, ululate or enjoy themselves. 

Next: We nearly visit the Louvre


  1. Anonymous1:37 pm

    looking forward to the next installment

  2. What fun, and the rest of the story is eagerly awaited...

  3. I recall wandering the streets of Paris much as you did, many moons ago.

    I join the queue eagerly waiting for the next instalment!

  4. Bellaghy has a charity shop? Last time I was there (it's been a while) there wasn't much more than Barney Overend's butcher's. Hope you had a nice time in. Paris. . I've just returned from a city break too - we went to Rome. Was also wondering if your London sister was ganching (I'm nosy) but clearly not as she's not been to Paris.

  5. At last I get round to the next instalment.

    And yes, Bellaghy has a charity shop - erratic opening hours and slightly crazy stock. I like it.

    Gan - she's been to Paris a lot. But not this time.
