Sunday, June 08, 2014

What's Going On

Two weekends ago Pearlie got sick. On the Saturday night she was in a lot of pain. I thought it might be the crampy, colicky pains she suffers from occasionally and managed to settle her down. The following night I awoke at around 2am and was unable to get back to sleep. I was listening all the time to hear if she was crying out. Then at 4am I was just about to drop off when I heard her wailing. I raced downstairs. Her bedside lights were off and the overhead light was dim and I wasn't wearing my glasses so at first I did not see what ailed her. As I moved closer to the bed I saw that she had been vomiting blood. A lot of blood. I got Bert up and she continued to vomit. I called an emergency ambulance and they arrived about 30 minutes later.

She was kept in hospital for four days and several tests were carried out but they could not identify the point of the bleed. Gastritis was mentioned, as was a burst ulcer. She received a few blood transfusions. On the fourth day she was discharged. Five days later her tummy started to swell and her navel turned from an innie to an outie. Her skin was tinged a yellowy shade. I called the GP who was concerned enough to refer her back to hospital. They kept her for a few hours, did an X-ray and some blood tests and sent her home again none the wiser. Apparently it is 'normal' for an elderly person to have a tummy so hard and swollen that their navel pops out.

This is what I think. The hospital (Antrim Area) does not give one damn about patients in their late eighties. They are seen as nuisances and bed-blockers. And this is what I want. I want her to be at home but I want to know what is wrong with her so she can receive the appropriate care and support. As it is we live from day to day never knowing when there is going to be another incident. Bert and I are both so stressed.

And Pearlie? At the moment she is OK. Happy to be home. She is still bloated but does not seem to be in pain. So - until the next time.


  1. Dammit, it is so very frustrating when we can't get answers from the people that should know...spit! I have been going round & round with family about mom. Long story and I won't go there, but to say I feel your frustration.
    Care giving is often a crap shoot in more ways than one.

  2. Brighid I long for the day I don't have to do it anymore. This thing with Pearlie is bringing back the memory of all the stress surrounding my parents' last illnesses.

  3. Yes, we never were told what was wrong with G's dad. We never found out why G's mom died. Frustrated the heck out of us. Yes, I understand the stress, but I have trouble believing the docs don't care. I'm glad she is home and happy tho.

  4. She had her GP here yesterday and, you're right Mage, they do care. He explained some things to me. I was just so frustrated and stressed when I wrote that post. She is still home, happy enough. Tonight she told me a story about how her parents wouldn't let her go to a Coronation party because one of her grandparents had recently died. Her memory is as clear as a bell.

  5. Lorraine1:37 pm

    Hi Mary. I just hope she doesn't suffer and isn't in too much pain. We are thinking of both you and Bertie.

  6. It is good that she has her memory, and can still tell the tales. Mom has lost alot of ground the last 5 months. She has forgotten that she does not like me, and strangely that is sorta sad.

  7. That is a crazy one Brighid! Must be difficult having a mum who doesn't (didn't) like one. Did you like her?

  8. I'm so glad that right now things are good. Have you recorded her stories? I wish I had recorded the tales my grandmother told. :)

  9. Nelly, I don't dislike her, we have just never been close. It is what it is, and has been so for a long time. I don't know if she genuinely dislikes me or as my friends say is jealous of me and shows it in spiteful ways???

  10. Mage - I must hear more of her stories. I thought I'd asked my own mother everything I wanted to know but since she died I realised there were a world of things we never got round to speaking about.

    Brighid - my guess would be jealousy. I think it is not uncommon for mothers to feel competition with their daughters. The wise thing to do is just be proud of one's daughter. Makes for a far happier life.
