Saturday, July 19, 2014

Night Vigil

I plan to stay up all night.

Pearlie has taken another slump. She is vomiting blood every three or four hours. It started 24 hours ago. We decided not to phone an ambulance. Early this morning we had Doctor On Call and Pearlie informed him that, despite the risk, she did not wish to go to hospital. He agreed with her wishes and only administered an injection to stop the vomiting. It did not work.

Bert stayed with her last night but even though I got to go to bed I only slept for about an hour. I had two hours this afternoon which helped.

Pearlie sleeps a lot but insists on having a pen in her hand and a puzzle book in front of her. She is unable to concentrate on the puzzles.


  1. I'm so sorry. Maybe another shot would stop the vomiting but not the decline.

  2. She didn't make it through the night.

  3. I'm so sorry for your loss. My condolences to you and your family.

  4. My sincere condolences to you & the family. Rest in Peace Pearlie.
    How beautiful that Pearlie were taken care of with such love & kindness.

  5. Anonymous1:57 pm

    hope you are all bearing up, thinking of you today and Mr LS sends his best wishes to you and Bert xxx London Sister

  6. Thank you everybody. We are having a strange, quiet day. It just hasn't sunk in yet.

  7. My, sincere condolences to you, Bert & all the family. RIP Pearlie.

  8. I'm so very sorry. No one could have done more or more kindly. Hugs.

  9. I'm sorry for your loss, NellyBert.
