Thursday, August 14, 2014

Hen Funeral

Sometimes the best pictures happen when you haven't got a camera. I was walking back from the polytunnel today with a handful of salad and a couple of peaches when I saw a curious procession. Bert led the way carrying a big spade. Behind him walked a very solemn Evie. Then came Ben, carrying a box containing a dead chicken whose head and neck (recently wrung) hung over the edge of the box. Lastly came Martha carrying a small pink spade and a bunch of flowers.

They were having a funeral for the hen while I prepared lunch.

Afterwards Martha took me to see the grave. Evie was reluctant to go as she thought it was 'too sad.' This time I brought a camera.

And if things continue in this vein I may have to change the name Nelly's Garden to The Blog of Death.


  1. Those girls could make a fortune in the funeral business! Did they sing any hymns?

  2. No...please don't

  3. No hymns. Just flowers and brief solemnity.

  4. The girls are just so stink'n cute. I had a hen funeral for one of my favorite hens. Wish I could have been there to see the one the girls did! Hugs

  5. Martha will have funerals for fallen sparrows or any cute, dead creature.
