Monday, September 22, 2014

Fun With Cardboard

I have had the pleasure this weekend of the company of all my children and grandchildren. Yes folks - my darling Katkin and her husband are visiting from Norfolk. It's a whole year since I've seen her. Tomorrow we are going to Derry. There will be photographs. Until then here are some photographs.

What ever can Aunt Katy be pushing in the NinkyNonk? Dave knows but Jess doesn't.

My word! Small children. Someone needs to inform the Health and Safety Executive without delay.

Martha might be deciding that all she wants for Christmas this year is a selection of large cardboard boxes. Who needs toys?


  1. Imaginations at play. Used to go to the appliance store and get a bunch of big boxes for my kids & grandkids and let them build whatever, we had such fun...

  2. Oh, this is delightful. Thank you.

  3. An empty box can be a wonderland. I love them.
