Sunday, October 26, 2014

Changing Rooms

Bert and I have been busy bees this last few days. He is working on a wall unit for Young Rooney and is quite obsessed by it. Then, in the evenings, he spends an hour or so sanding down the wooden floor in what was previously Pearlie's room. It will return to what it was, my own sitting room. I'm looking forward to it. I will have an open fire, rugs and cushions. We can't have cushions in the sun room as it opens on to the yard and the dogs and Bert and the visitors carry all the dirt of the day in there. And for some reason all the cushions end up on the floor. Bert has just one left and it is covered in sawdust. My sitting room will be a haven of comfort and cleanliness. I told Bert so and he disputed it but he will see.

Meanwhile I've been cleaning and sorting. I have found my long lost passport and all my nicest cushion covers. I have went through my gigantic ironing pile and recycled at least half of it. That's one way to cut down on the ironing.

A young friend called today and I brought her in to see the progress and she was amazed at the amount of books on the shelves. She asked if I'd read them all and I had to admit that I hadn't. I told her that I started collecting books in the early seventies and that back then I used to put my name in them and the date I acquired them. I picked up an ancient Penguin and opened it to show, in my best juvenile handwriting, that it was named and dated 3/3/73. Over forty years on my shelves and still to be read.


  1. You are going to love this room. :)

  2. I know.Cannot wait!

  3. I am picturing you serving genteel afternoon teas from the good china in your very own sitting room... on the other hand it sloe gin or barley wine! ;)

    Enjoy you very own special room!

  4. Or I might be offering a choice of Earl Grey or poitín! The poitín will, of course, be flavoured with honey from South Armagh.

  5. Can hardly wait to see the finished pics. I'm so glad you are getting a room of your own. Love the colors, books, etc...

  6. Anonymous8:16 am

    it is looking good, nice sofa! London Sister
