Wednesday, November 26, 2014

The Stable

Today I asked Bert where he had deposited the cardboard (for lasagne gardening) that was kindly donated by Ronnie Pet Shop Boy and he informed me it was in The Stable.

The Stable?

We have six sheds and at the last count fifteen names for them. The sheds are referred to something like this, 
  • The Woodshed
  • The Milk House
  • The Byre
  • The Cattle Shed
  • The Workshop
  • The Hen House
  • The Pig House
  • The Calf Shed
  • The Back Shed
  • The Potato Shed
  • The Turf Shed
  • The Silo
  • The Tractor Shed
  • The Tool Shed
  • Ian’s Shed
But The Stable? There hasn't been a horse about this place in more than sixty years. There might have been stables back in Master Kernohan's day but that was a long time ago. The place that Bert refers to as The Stable currently contains,

An ancient stack of turf, almost inaccessible as it has flung upon it a great amount of yellow drainage piping and...
  • An amount of railway sleepers.
  • Some coal, supplied by Frank McCooke.
  • A bit of a quad bike.
  • Some other bikes.
  • A few collapsed swallow's nests.
  • A great quantity of adult diapers.
  • A stove.
  • A quantity of Bann bricks.
  • Cardboard.
  • Various other treasure.
  • No horses.


  1. Life on your farm is never boring.

  2. Ach Nelly, I think you should think of buying a horse. It would really finish it off!

  3. Don't start me on horses. Did I ever mention Bob and Blaze?

  4. There are all kinds of stables... lol
