Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December Daily Post, Last One!

I've found this daily posting a bit of a trial. At the beginning of the month I envisaged a stately, sometimes humourous progression towards Christmas and beyond. But, as some dude said, life is what happens while you're making other plans.

On this, the last day of 2014, Nellybert looked after our grandchildren, collected a young friend from the airport and we're now settled down with a hot Jamesons and the Dallas Buyers Club. I'm writing this while Bert converts to subtitles. Texan accents!

Happy New Year to everyone who visits the garden. Here's hoping for lots of joy and fun for 2015.


  1. I think I managed my daily blogging for a year due to the boring and very uneventful year I've had.

    Happy new year to all xxx

  2. May you and yours have a happy and healthy new year. :) with lots of the good stuff too.

  3. Happy New Year to all at Nelly's Garden!
