Tuesday, December 02, 2014

December Daily Post, No. 2

I have been applying the antibiotic eye drops for 24 hours now and my eyes are still sore, red and gungey. I read on Mumsnet (it came up in a Google search) that the drops only shorten the duration of the condition by one day. And - the Wee Manny was here today and he said he'd had it for two weeks! But he smokes so that cannot help. Mind you I'm sitting in a room with an open fire and burning turf and bits of tree bark so I might as well be smoking. Did I mention that I can't see so if there are typos in this post forgive me.

Preparations for Christmas? I bought a present (online) for Miss Martha. It's a start.


  1. Hope you feel better soon and that the scent of peat and bark brings you some relief.

  2. Take care and rest thoseeyes!

  3. I can barely see they're so bleary. Certainly cannot drive.

  4. Anonymous10:44 pm

    Dear Mary,

    Try Isomar Ochhi, an Italian eyedrop with natural goodies in it or euphrasia the herb. Hope they help cause I like reading your blog now and then:)
    Lotta love,

    Zsuzsi from Hungary

  5. Anonymous10:47 pm

    the right spelling is Isomar Occhi:)) I'm not as good in Italian as in English:d

  6. Thank you Zsuzsi. I will note that for future reference. my eyes are still bad but this morning I am seeing an improvement. Long may it last and thanks for reading!
