Tuesday, December 09, 2014

December Daily Post, No. 9

I am writing this with great difficulty. My sight has worsened. I have just got back from the doctor and I am to see an eye specialist this afternoon. I am very frightened even though my GP says she sends at least two patients a month to this emergency clinic.

Preparations for Christmas? None. I'm even wondering if there will be a Christmas.


  1. Sorry to hear you're suffering so much but at least you're getting to see a specialist quickly - fingers crossed your sight will improve shortly. x

  2. sorry to hear this, hope all goes well

  3. I forgot to say to you if you can't watch telly there is always Serial which is compelling listening. Hope you feel better soon.

  4. Fresh Blade11:56 pm

    I hope that the eye specialist was able to improve the situation. I am thinking of you.

  5. Adenoviral keratitis - both eyes. Also heard the jolly news that cataract is developing in a second eye. My vision has improved slightly.
