Thursday, January 29, 2015


Martha spends Thursdays with Hannah at present while Evie continues her task of training Bert to obey her every command. I do miss Martha and am looking forward to having her again after mid-term. Today they made snowfolk. It's been a while since I've engaged in this activity and I was a bit cheesed off to see that Hannah and Martha's snowman is rather better than Evie's and mine.

I worried about it for a while, worried that competitiveness is not a pleasant trait in a grandmother but I cannot help it. Our Springhill snowlady looks wishy-washy compared to the Ballymena snowman. Actually he looks like a snow bishop with his hat, jewel buttons and his fur collar. Yes. I am watching Wolf Hall too.

Good News! I have a date for my cataract surgery in three weeks time. I am really looking forward to getting it done.

And another thing - the snow in Ballymena must have been of better quality than ours. Yes. That's what it was. We had inferior snow.


  1. Anonymous6:26 pm

    i do enjoy your blog. and great to see a snow woman! ann.

  2. Yeah! Evie and I are ardent feminists - no joking.

  3. I do like the snow bishop! It was the hat did for me. Stay warm and again, all the best for the cataract surgery.

  4. Thank you Grannymar. I am very excited that it is happening so soon.

  5. Glad to hear the surgery is coming soon.
    I'm not a big feminista, sooo they are both great snow people.

  6. Haha, it's the mango mouth and nose that makes our snowman who he is. Also, word on the street is our snowman only lasted 20 minutes before being trashed by hoods. I guess they must have been jealous too.
