Sunday, February 15, 2015

Crazy Jack and the Chickpeas

So, after I cleaned my grubby spice rack the next spot to tackle was the store cupboard. While there were no unpleasant surprises in the larder there were some elderly dried goods such as an unopened 2kg bag of chickpeas older than Martha. The cupboard was crammed with chickpeas both dried and tinned and obviously we never eat them except for that time Bert took a great notion of making hummus. The 2kg bag will be used as animal feed and I'll have to hoke out that hummus recipe for Bert.

The oldest item in the cupboard was the organic brown rice. If that packet of unopened brown rice were a child it would be at secondary school by now. What kind of idiot lets packets of food sit on her shelves for endless years? What type of deluded fool keeps buying chickpeas and then has them languish in her cupboard for over a decade? If it were another person with a store of ancient food in their pantries I'd call that person a food hoarder.

If anyone has any delicious recipes where chickpeas are one of the main ingredient please let me know.


  1. Anonymous1:56 pm

    falafel is good and also check indian recipes. On Saturday night I made Delias Moroccan Baked Chicken and that called for chickpeas (dried, but I used tinned). xx London Sister

  2. When I make Pea and ham soup, I add a large can of rinsed chickpeas. It adds extra body.

  3. Good suggestions. Thanks chickpeople!
