Sunday, March 15, 2015

Motherless Sunday

Mother's Day again. There are yellow and purple flower buds unfurling on the kitchen table. There was chocolate too which was shared with Bert in the very earliest hours of Mothering Sunday. But, as always, this is Matty's day even though she is not with us any more.

There are so many of us today mindful of our dead mothers. On Friday a young friend called round and he mentioned that his son, aged six, was having a difficult week. At school all the talk was of making Mother's Day cards but his mum died suddenly about a year ago. He chose not to make a card. It's sad for us grown-ups but how much harder it must be for a little child.

My mother Martha with her granddaughter Katy

This is one of my most cherished photographs of  my mother who would have been my current age at the time it was taken. So - I'm wishing a happy Mother's Day to all us mothers and sending caring thoughts for all the motherless children.

It's Bert's first Motherless Sunday too.


  1. Then there are those of us who didn't like our mothers. Mine has been dead a great many years now, and I believe she is at peace.

  2. Yes - I forgot about that. We do get very sentimental about the mother/child relationship when greeting cards need to be sold.

  3. Matty always sounded like a great mom, you were blessed.

  4. Thank you for this post. Our Mothers Day isn't until May and it will be my second one without my mother. We had an often difficult relationship but I miss her.

  5. That is a great picture. Partly Katy looks like a mini version of mum with the hair and the print frock.
