Thursday, April 30, 2015

Every Picture Tells A Story

Zoe's sketch of her grandmother.

663 views, taken 2005

That is a month and a bit of Flickr's mostest views and interestingness all redd up and I can't say I'm sorry. That picture of Jazzer and her oldest girl (married with a baby now) has the 30th most views. We were visiting Swisser on that August day. Seen in the background Bert with Swisser's dog Tracey (I know! A dog called Tracey) and our dog Paddy. Both of them gone now.

Matty, 448 views, taken during the Second World War.

My mother aged about thirteen. This photograph was taken by the Belfast Telegraph to illustrate a feature on war time food production, the Digging for Victory campaign. Matty's school teacher, Master Duffy, had turned over part of the school yard in Creggan to vegetables. That picture was only a fragment. Matty said that the entire image showed her standing framed in a trellis of runner beans.

This is what Matty wrote herself about the school garden.

We had a big garden at the back of our school and when the weather was good we spent a lot of time working in it, digging and planting and then weeding. We had a lot of different vegetables growing and a few flowers. We were allowed to take vegetables home when they were ready for harvesting and they were much appreciated by Mammy even though we had a vegetable garden at home. At the beginning of the war our school garden got a write up in the Belfast Telegraph for the way in which every inch of ground had been used for growing extra vegetables. We were all very pleased at getting a picture in the paper of us working in the garden.


  1. Matty was a beaty!

  2. Ah she was a lovely looking wee girl. And not bad-looking when older either.

  3. Matty was always a looker it seems.
    Love the garden patch at school. There are a few here, more because gardening is what we all seem to do than any need for extra zucchini...
