Friday, April 10, 2015

Flickr Day 10

 The 10th most viewed picture on Flickr, it was taken in 2010. I called it Farmgirl. Martha was just starting to hang out here and she was very keen on getting outside. This is one of my favourite pictures even though Martha's face cannot be seen. She was fascinated by the chickens and watching Judy herd them. Bonnie was always ath her heels. There are so many pictures of Martha and Bonnie. One of my cousins once said,

I can't believe that wee girl is so at ease with that big dog.

But it never entered Martha's head to be afraid of Bonnie. She was the most gentle of dogs. 

Another things I like about this picture is the roughness of it. The leaves, the rocks and the make shift tin shelter. And in the middle of it the delicate child with the intricate hand-knitted helmet.


The 10th most interesting photograph today. This picture of Pearlie and Lizzie is for friends & family only. It was taken around ten years ago when we were renovating this house. The reason I have taken it out of the public domain in Flickr is that it attracted a particular kind of person, a person who preferred an older woman. I got tired of blocking them so changed the privacy settings.  When I uploaded it I saw a photograph of two sweet old ladies with haloes of fluffy white hair. It never occurred to me that others might interpret Pearlie's frank gaze at the photographer (me) as a come hither look.  As a friend once remarked,

There are boys for anything!


  1. Those are wonderful photographs.

  2. Now I have caught up a bit, and I flat out am enjoying your images. I don't understand the sexual perverts, but I do understand the images. Those books will do well, as does the Easter picture.

  3. Thank you Mage. I hope that you are enjoying some fine Spring weather.
