Wednesday, April 01, 2015

Supper Party Head-the-Balls

The plan was that today, the 1st of April, I'd be publishing and commenting upon my most viewed and most interesting Flickr photographs. This will not be happening as our oldest friends, the Wees, are here for supper, and life and alcohol has totally got in the way. Things are rather chaotic. Mrs The Wee brought her new rescue dog, who is very sweet and has shat twice and pissed twice, both times copiously and, as I cleaned it up, I couldn't help reflecting on my patience and all round good-eggedness. Truth, I could write a book about it all but not until everyone (except me) is dead and buried. Did I mention that Mrs The Wee fell while she was out walking her new dog and has a lump the size of a bantie's egg on the back of her head? I retired to bed while she pondered excuses not to go to work tomorrow. The best  one was that she actually died. Everyone agreed that would work.

As for the Flickr photographs, one was a cute one of a kitten sleeping in a Christmas decoration box and the other was some cows. Lowest common denominator strikes again.

And a very happy birthday to my youngest brother Joe. Fifty something again.

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