Sunday, April 12, 2015

The Twelfth of Flickr

Quiet, quiet day today with no visitors. It was wonderful yet it will not go into the record books as The Day Without Callers as we are expecting the Bar Room Buddies to call in after their gig at the Wild Duck in Portglenone. I don't mind and the dogs will be very pleased. We have four of the buggers here tonight as Ziggy is having a sleepover. Hannah phoned to ask if he was 'being good'. I had to say that he was not, having pooped on the good Ikea rug in my bedroom.

Ziggy is very happy as he has discovered that fat old Roy cannot outrun him. It is comical to watch them. Roy goes really, really fast - for Roy. I reckon he has had more exercise in the past month that he had in the previous five years. 

And now to Flickr.


An Irish Moiled bull that was part of a herd that used to hang out at the Ecos Centre in Ballymena. The Irish Moiled are, in my opinion, a very handsome breed. A few years back we had a calf that was half Irish Moiled and he was a cute little beast. He didn't make much of a weight though, so we didn't do it again.  


A photograph from September 2013 that is rated 12th most interesting. I remember thinking that it was Dangerous Tricks* but Evie did not come to any harm. She would have been 22 months then. Martha had just turned four and was so enamoured of her new tights that she removed her skirt all the better to show them off.

* Any caper that might result in an accident

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