Tuesday, May 05, 2015

Feeling Lucky

Up this morning at 6:30 and on the train to Belfast at 7:22. Almost fell asleep. Taxi from Great Victoria Street to the back door of Eye Casualty and I was the second punter through the door at 8:50. Sitting in the Pharmacy at 10:00 waiting for my prescription... and waiting. I started to feel a tiny twinge of annoyance. Then I gave myself a shake. I'd just benefited from a free consultation, a free eye exam, free advice and here I was waiting for my free medication. How fortunate is that?

The outcome is I'm to take two new lots of eye drops, one a steroid, I'm to show up for the procedure on the 11th of May and, hopefully, I'll get the cataract removed and the artificial lens fitted. Oh happy day, please let it be so.

I decided to walk from the hospital to the city centre and got soaked to the skin. Missed my train by four minutes then killed an hour in Botanic Avenue charity shops where I purchased a small brass elephant for a fine pound coin. Who cares about missed trains and drenchings? Not I.

Elephant. A symbol of strength, protection and good luck


  1. Glad it went well, despite the drenching. I do like that heffalump!

  2. He is cute as well as being lucky.

  3. He's truly handsome. Yes,, I so wish we had medical benefits like that here. Yes, you are going to love seeing colors in potent power. Will you have to take someone with you?

  4. I'm going on my own. I've had offers of company but it is easier if I'm not worrying about another person. Bert will pick me up when it is done...if it gets done!
