Saturday, May 30, 2015

Hunger's Mother

I was mopping the kitchen floor when Bert called from the depths of his man cave,

Is there anything instant that I could have for lunch?

And he'd only had his breakfast an hour before.

I replied,

Yeah. There's lots of things.
What like?
A wide range of ready to eat meals.
The Spar.

Once again I explained ingredients to him. Eggs, bacon, potato bread, tomatoes. A small fry. He's making it right now. It's not that he minds preparing food. He just cannot bear to think about it. He'll probably have pickles with his fry.


  1. He has pickles on the side or are they put in the fry? Sounds pretty yummy either way.

  2. He has been known to fry his pickles. I don't mind. They make him happy.

  3. I would love to be a fly on the wall at Nellyberts!

  4. G eats that for breakfast too minus the bread. Is it a universal thing I wonder?

  5. Just so very tasty. Potato bread is an Irish thing, also called fadge.
