Saturday, August 01, 2015

Far From The Madding Crowd

I am currently in the wilds of North Norfolk and Internet speeds are not quite what they are in Cullybackey. It took at least  two minutes for this page to open!

But, on the plus side, I am spending a lot of time with my new grandchild James. He is a very lovely child and enjoys sleeping on his granny. Who needs the Internet?

I love the peace of this place. I took a walk this evening and saw just two cars. Sometimes, walking on our ow B road, it is like walking beside a dual carriageway. This part of Norfolk is so peaceful.


  1. Hope you enjoy yourself getting to know your grandson.

  2. leitrim Sister12:15 pm

    Have a great time and enjoy the peace xxx

  3. Peace and love! What more could a granny ask for!

  4. For sure! Today has been hot and sunny and baby James had the first dip in his new bath. He sort of hated it, then he loved it. Yesterday he had his first ride in his new pram and he is, at present, having his longest ever sleep in his new cot. Every day brings lots of firsts for James.
