Sunday, November 01, 2015

Strawberry, Blackcurrant and Elderberry

All this week, whenever I've thought of updating my blog, I've thought - I updated it a day or so ago, no pressure. Then I looked and it's been a whole week! So, here goes...

It's been a good week. Really enjoying my new eyes. I expect I've been so busy seeing stuff, no time to be writing blogs. I had a check-up on Thursday and apparently all is well, eye healing well and given the go-ahead to drive without spectacles, I am, officially, no longer myopic.

Tonight, looking forward to a quiet night in with the ridiculous Downton Abbey and the outlandish Homeland. Phone goes, Rod and Tracey are calling out. Excitement! Haven't seen Tracey in ages. Time to break out the best of my wines. I chose an Elderberry and a Strawberry and Blackcurrant. The craic was, as they say, mighty and the wines went down a treat. It's nights like this that I'm glad I make delicious alcoholic drinks and that I have good friends to share them with.



  1. It is wonderful you don't need glasses. I have readers stashed all over the place... sigh
    What do your wine labels look like?

  2. Bad with wine labels Brighid. I just put a very plain sticker on the bottle with the name of the wine and the date. And I do need glasses for reading, didn't before when I was short-sighted. But I can see the moon and the stars so who cares.

  3. Anonymous2:54 pm

    great news about your new eyes - wonderful London Sister

  4. The news of your eyes cheers me no end. The wine would too, I'm sure, if I still drank.

  5. Hello there - found you via Ronni's Elderblogger list.
    I know the pleasure of having cataract surgery, had mine done 2 yrs ago and still marvel at what I can see now
    Take care

  6. Thanks for the kind thoughts Mage and Cathy. I still cannot get over how amazing it is to see so well.
