Friday, December 25, 2015

Christmas in Norfolk

Nellybert and Judy have been in deepest, darkest Norfolk for four days now. It was a tremendous palaver organising care for two dogs, two cats, seven chickens, two pigs and a rake of cattle but we appear to have managed it.

The nearest we got to the Queen was listening to her lecture her subjects this afternoon, after lunch but I'm sure she is coping without us.

Baby James had a very enjoyable Christmas, Santa Claus came but now, like lots of others I'm sure, he is tired and worn out after a surfeit of  Turkey and grandparents.

Tomorrow is our last full day here then back to Cully on Sunday.


  1. Safe journey and no trying to bring Baby James home in your pocket!

  2. Leitrim Sister6:04 pm

    safe journey I'll give you a ring tomorrow xxx

  3. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and blessed be for evermore.
