Wednesday, January 06, 2016

A Wee Run To Omagh

Apart from a few visits to the Ulster American Folk Park I don't know Omagh all that well. It's the sort of town I usually pass by. But Bert's clarinet needed a to see the doctor and the last person he took it to charged him an awful lot of money. So he phoned around and someone recommended Reynold's Music in Omagh town. Jonathan, the owner offered to post Bert the articles he needed or, if he cared to come to the shop he'd sort it there and then. It was another rainy day in Cully so we decided to make the trip.

It was my very first visit to Omagh town centre and I found it charming - even on a damp, dank January day. Jonathan's shop was easily found and Jonathan himself was very welcoming and helpful. He recommended somewhere for us to lunch - next door! And while we relaxed in The Kitchen he got on with the repairs to the clarinet.

Looking forward to our next visit to Omagh and hopefully next time we'll leave earlier and have a look around the town. And the bill for Reynold's Music services. I wouldn't like to say exactly but it was considerably less than that other guy in Ballyrobbery.

 Turns out there's a lot more to Omagh than that annual bluegrass festival. And here's a thing - Bert maintains that the A505 between Cookstown and Omagh is, at 26 and a bit miles, the longest road between towns in the whole of Ireland. I wonder if that is true. The internet isn't telling.


  1. I saw the sign for Omagh, yesterday and thought: It is years since I went that direction... one of these days I must revisit.

    PS I found a cute little coffee shop in Antrim Town... one of these days we should try it.

  2. I think you'd find Omagh worth it. And where is this coffee shop? Definitely need to visit soon.

  3. Nanabelles, Near the Library in Railway Street.

  4. Leitrim Sister5:51 pm

    That stretch of road was not a favourite of Mattys. When driving from here to there she liked to pass through as many towns as possible.
